Home » Astatine: The Basics Of This Rare And Radioactive Element

Astatine: The Basics Of This Rare And Radioactive Element

by chemdude71

As one of the rarest elements in the periodic table, Astatine is a unique and interesting chemical. It is a radioactive element and can be found in both natural and artificial sources. In this article, you will learn all the basics of Astatine, including a brief overview, information on its properties, sources, uses, impact, and interesting facts.



Astatine, also known as element 85, is a rare, radioactive element found within the halogen group. It is a highly reactive element and does not occur naturally in significant amounts. Its name comes from the Greek word ‘astatos’, meaning unstable. It has an atomic number of 85 and its symbol is At.

Astatine has several properties that make it unique. It is the heaviest halogen element and has an atomic weight of 209. It has seven isotopes with various half-lives, ranging from 8.3 hours to greater than 100 days. Astatine is also one of the few elements that can exist in either a solid, liquid, or gaseous state. It has a boiling point of 575°C and a melting point of 302°C.

Astatine can be found in both natural and artificial sources. In nature, it is produced by the radioactive decay of Radon-222, which is a decay product of uranium-238. It is also produced in nuclear reactors through the fission of uranium-235. Artificial sources of Astatine include the bombardment of bismuth-209 and thorium-232 with alpha particles.

Astatine has a number of uses, both in industry and in medical applications. It is used in industry to produce lubricants, fuels, and plastics, and can be used as a catalyst in certain chemical reactions. In the medical field, it is used to treat thyroid cancer, as it has a high affinity for the thyroid gland. It has also been used in research and development to study nuclear processes.

The impact of Astatine on human health and the environment is not fully understood, as it is a highly radioactive element. Health effects associated with exposure to Astatine can include nausea, vomiting, and skin irritation. It is important to take protective measures when handling Astatine, as it can be hazardous if inhaled or ingested. On the environmental front, Astatine can be harmful to aquatic species, plants, and animals when released into the atmosphere.

Astatine has a long and interesting history. It was first discovered in 1940 by Dale R. Corson, Kenneth Ross MacKenzie, and Emilio Segre, who were investigating the radioactive decay of uranium. The trio won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1959 for their discovery.

It is important to note that Astatine is a highly dangerous element in its radioactive form. It is important to take proper safety precautions and avoid direct contact with it. While its use in industry and in medical applications can be useful, it is essential to take the necessary precautions when dealing with Astatine.

In conclusion, Astatine is a rare and highly radioactive element found within the halogen group of the periodic table. This article has outlined the basics of Astatine, including its overview, properties, sources, uses, impact, and interesting facts. While it has many industrial and medical uses, it is important to note that it is a highly dangerous element and should be handled with extreme caution.


Sources of Astatine

Astatine is a rare and radioactive element that is found in nature. It is one of the least abundant elements in the universe, and it is estimated that only around 25 grams of astatine exist on the Earth’s surface at any given time.

Natural Sources

Astatine is found in the Earth’s crust in trace amounts, primarily in the form of its most stable isotope, astatine-210. This isotope is produced naturally by the radioactive decay of radon-222, though the amounts of astatine found in nature are so small that they cannot be detected with any accuracy.

Astatine-210 has a very short half-life and decays to bismuth-210 with a half-life of 8.3 hours. This means that astatine-210 rapidly decays and any that is found on the Earth’s surface is the result of recent radioactive decay.

Astatine can also be found in other natural sources, such as cosmic rays. These cosmic rays are high-energy particles that originate from outside of the Solar System and can contain trace amounts of astatine-210.

Artificial Sources

Astatine can also be created artificially in nuclear reactors or particle accelerators. In nuclear reactors, astatine-210 is created when bismuth-209 is bombarded with neutrons. In particle accelerators, astatine-210 is created when bismuth-208 is bombarded with protons.

The amount of astatine-210 that can be created in nuclear reactors or particle accelerators is very small, and it is not possible to create large amounts of astatine-210 in this way.

Astatine-211 can also be created artificially in nuclear reactors by bombarding bismuth-209 with alpha particles. This isotope is radioactive and has a short half-life, making it unsuitable for most uses.

The amount of astatine created in nuclear reactors or particle accelerators is usually much less than the amount of astatine found in nature, and it is not possible to create large amounts of astatine in this way.

Astatine can also be created artificially by bombarding lead-207 with alpha particles. This process is used in nuclear medicine to produce astatine-211, which is used in the treatment of certain types of cancer.


Astatine is a rare and radioactive element that is found in nature in trace amounts. It is produced naturally by the radioactive decay of radon-222, and can also be found in cosmic rays. It can also be created artificially in nuclear reactors or particle accelerators, though the amount of astatine that can be created in this way is very small.

Astatine-211 can also be created artificially by bombarding lead-207 with alpha particles. Astatine has many uses, ranging from industrial to medical, and its importance lies in its ability to be used in the treatment of certain types of cancer.


Uses of Astatine

Astatine is a rare and radioactive element that has a variety of uses. It has been used in industrial and medical applications as well as in research and development.

Industrial Uses

Astatine has been used in industry for a variety of applications. It is used in manufacturing processes such as welding and soldering, and it is also used in the production of high-performance alloys and ceramics. Astatine also has applications in electronics and computer technology, due to its high conductivity and low melting point.

Medical Uses

Astatine is also used in the medical field. It is used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, as well as being used in imaging technologies such as PET scans and SPECT scans. Astatine is also used in radiation therapy, where it is used to target specific areas of the body for radiation treatments.

Research & Development

Astatine is an important element in research and development. It is used in the study of nuclear physics, in studies of the properties of radioactive materials, and in understanding the effects of radiation on living organisms. Astatine is also used in the development of new technologies, such as nuclear power plants and materials for space exploration.

Astatine has a wide range of applications, from industrial and medical uses to research and development. It’s versatility and unique properties make it a valuable element to the scientific world.


Impact of Astatine

When it comes to the impact of Astatine, the first thing that comes to mind is the potential health effects of exposure to the element. Astatine is considered to be a highly radioactive element, and it can be dangerous when it is exposed to humans. When exposed, it can cause radiation burns, hair loss, and even cancer. Although the risk of exposure to Astatine is very low, it is nevertheless important to be aware of the potential danger this element poses.

The second thing to consider when talking about the impact of Astatine is its environmental effects. Due to its highly radioactive nature, it is considered to be a hazardous material and can cause significant damage to the environment if it is improperly handled or released into the environment. Astatine can contaminate water sources and soil, and may even be transported through air or rain.

Another important impact of Astatine is its potential to disrupt the delicate balance of the atmosphere. Astatine is known to impact the Earth’s ozone layer and can even cause damage to the stratospheric ozone layer. This disruption can increase the exposure of harmful ultraviolet radiation to humans and other life forms.

When it comes to industrial uses, the impact of Astatine is also considered to be significant. It is used for fuel in nuclear reactors, for medical imaging, and for research and development. These activities can all generate radiation, which can have long-term negative impacts on the environment and human health.

When it comes to medical uses, Astatine has been used in radiation therapy to treat some types of cancer. Astatine has also been used to diagnose and treat diseases. The use of Astatine in medicine can be very beneficial, but it can also be dangerous if it is not handled properly.

Finally, when it comes to research and development, Astatine has been used to help understand nuclear physics, as well as to develop new sources of energy. It is also used in the study of the structure of the atom. This research can provide valuable information about the nature of the universe, which can be used to make technological advancements.

In summary, Astatine is a radioactive element with a wide variety of uses. While it can be beneficial in some ways, it is also important to consider its potential negative impacts on health and the environment. It is therefore important to be aware of the potential risks associated with Astatine and to take necessary precautions when it is handled or used.


Interesting Facts

Astatine is a rare and radioactive element, making it an extremely interesting topic to explore. It has a unique history and a range of interesting facts that may surprise many.

First, it is worth noting that astatine is the heaviest known halogen. It is also the rarest naturally occurring element on the periodic table, with only around 25 grams of it present on the Earth’s surface.

Second, astatine has the highest atomic number of any stable element, with a mass number of 85. In comparison, other elements have atomic numbers that range from 1 to 83.

Third, astatine has a variety of isotopes, many of which are radioactive and have short lifespans. These isotopes are useful for medical purposes, such as radiation therapy, and for scientific research.

Fourth, astatine is the only element that has an atomic radius that is smaller than its van der Waals radius. This is an indication of the element’s highly reactive nature.

Fifth, astatine has a melting point of 302 °C and a boiling point of 337 °C. It has a density of 6.25 g/cm³ and a specific heat capacity of 0.105 J/g/K.

Sixth, astatine was first discovered in 1940 by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley. The element was produced artificially by bombarding bismuth with alpha particles.

Finally, astatine is highly toxic and can be dangerous when exposed to in large quantities. For this reason, it is important to handle astatine safely and wear appropriate protective gear when working with it.



Astatine is a chemical element with the symbol At
Its atomic number is 85
The first synthesis of astatine was in 1940 by Dale R. Corson, Kenneth Ross MacKenzie, and Emilio G. Segrè at the University of California, Berkeley
It was named from the Ancient Greek astatos meaning ‘unstable’
It is the rarest naturally occurring element in the Earth’s crust
A sample of the pure element has never been assembled
There are 41 known isotopes of astatine
All of astatine’s isotopes are short-lived; the most stable is astatine-210
The total amount of astatine in the Earth’s crust is estimated by some to be less than one gram at any given time
The structure of solid astatine is unknown
The bulk properties of astatine are not known with any certainty


Pronunciation ASS-tə-teen, -⁠tin
Appearance unknown, probably metallic
Mass number [210]
Astatine in the periodic table
Atomic number (Z) 85
Group group 17 (halogens)
Period period 6
Block   p-block
Electron configuration [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p5
Electrons per shell 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 7
Physical properties
Phase at STP solid (predicted)
Density (near r.t.) 8.91–8.95 g/cm3 (estimated)[1]
Molar volume 23.6 cm3/mol (estimated)[1]
Atomic properties
Oxidation states −1, +1, +3, +5, +7[2]
Ionization energies
  • 1st: 899.003 kJ/mol
Other properties
Natural occurrence from decay
Crystal structure ​face-centered cubic (fcc)(predicted)
CAS Number 7440-68-8
Naming after Greek ástatos (ἄστατος), meaning “unstable”
Discovery Dale R. Corson, Kenneth Ross MacKenzie, Emilio Segrè (1940)
Main isotopes[5] Decay
  abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
209At synth 5.41 h β+ 209Po
α 205Bi
210At synth 8.1 h β+ 210Po
α 206Bi
211At synth 7.21 h ε 211Po
α 207Bi

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